Applying for Letters of Administration in Australia: A Detailed Guide

When a person passes away without a will, managing their estate can be a challenging process. In Australia, the solution to this situation is applying for “Letters of Administration”, a legal document granted by the Supreme Court that authorizes a person to administer the deceased’s estate. Here’s an in-depth look at the steps involved in applying for Letters of Administration.

Understanding Letters of Administration

Letters of Administration are necessary when the deceased has not left a will, or the will is deemed invalid, or if there’s no executor available. The appointed administrator holds a similar role to an executor, taking on the responsibility to manage and distribute the estate according to the laws of intestacy.

Who Can Apply?

The Supreme Court has a hierarchical list of preferred administrators. This priority list includes:

  1. Surviving spouse (including a de facto partner)
  2. Children
  3. Grandchildren or great-grandchildren
  4. Parents
  5. Siblings
  6. Nieces and nephews
  7. Grandparents
  8. Uncles and aunts
  9. First cousins
  10. Other persons the court may deem fit

The Application Process

While the process may vary slightly across different Australian jurisdictions, the following outlines the general steps for Queensland, which are indicative of the process in most states and territories.

  1. Advertisement of Intention: This is to notify the public of your intention to apply for Letters of Administration. The advertisement should be placed in a designated publication or a public notice board, as per the court’s requirements.
  2. Notification to the Public Trustee: A copy of the notice must be sent to the Public Trustee. This step is essential as it provides an opportunity for the Public Trustee to object or make a claim.
  3. Waiting Period: There’s a waiting period after advertisement, usually a few weeks, to allow anyone with a valid interest in the estate to come forward and contest the application if they wish.
  4. Documentation Preparation: Gather all necessary documents, including the death certificate, a comprehensive list of the estate’s assets and liabilities, and proof of your relationship to the deceased.
  5. Application to the Supreme Court: Once all the documentation is ready and the notice period has expired, you can file your application with the Supreme Court. This application includes forms such as the death certificate, an affidavit of your relationship to the deceased, and affidavits of any searches conducted to ensure there is no will.

For more details on the application process, the Queensland Courts website provides valuable information and resources.

Seeking Professional Help

Given the legal complexities involved, it’s usually necessary to engage a solicitor or professional estate administrator. They can assist with:

  • Preparing and filing the necessary legal documentation.
  • Conducting searches for any wills or testamentary documents.
  • Providing advice on estate taxation and distribution according to the rules of intestacy.

After the Grant

Once Letters of Administration are granted:

  • The administrator must collect the estate’s assets, pay off any debts, and then distribute the remaining assets.
  • An administrator is legally obligated to distribute the estate according to a set order of relatives as specified by law.
  • Detailed records of all transactions should be kept, as the administrator may need to present a final account of their administration to the court.

Important Considerations

  • Timeframe: The process can take several months, depending on the complexity of the estate and the court’s workload.
  • Costs: There are costs involved, including court fees, legal fees, and any fees for advertising the notice.
  • Conflicts: If there is a dispute about who should be the administrator, the court will decide based on the best interest of the estate.


Applying for Letters of Administration is a significant responsibility, involving careful legal and financial management. It is essential to approach the task methodically, respecting the court’s procedures and the deceased’s estate. Professional guidance is strongly recommended to navigate the process and fulfill the duties of an administrator effectively and lawfully.

For detailed information specific to your situation or region within Australia, it’s advisable to visit the relevant court’s website or consult with a legal professional.

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Last updated: 02 November 2023